

Miriam Margolyes OBE

I have recently had the good fortune to be directed by Dave Peacock when recording BOTTERSNIKES & GUMBLES & would like to place on record what a truly gifted sound specialist he is, both in directing actors & in making the technical part of the recording so effortless & intelligent.

He knows voices, he understands text (often rare in a sound engineer) & he skilfully optimises the performance he gets, so that the character is clear, the place on the film exact. He is like a conductor, using all the elements of the recording to make music – I very much hope to work with him again. I learn from him – and after 50 years in the business, that’s quite rare.

Adam Shaw – Animation Director and Co-Founder Blue Zoo Productions Ltd

Having worked with Dave on many animated series I am always impressed by his huge knowledge and experience he has when it comes to voice direction. He has a unique way of inspiring artists to get the very best out of them whilst keeping sessions fun and relaxed. He has a clear vision of how best to sculpt performances but is also keen to be inspired by the unexpected. Who else would give direction “Imagine you’ve walked in on your parents”! . He makes his role look easy and effortless which is high praise indeed.

Marc Wootton – Actor & Writer 

Sharing a sweaty sound box with the legend what is Mister Peacock is a masterclass in voice direction. He truly knows how to wring the very best out of both actors and the precious words they are delivering.  I could dress it up in fancy pants language but he is quite simply the mutts nuts! The gold standard of voice direction.

Giles Ridge – Executive Producer – Thunderbirds are Go!

I have worked with Dave over the past three years on the re-launch of Thunderbirds Are Go. Dave is a delight to work with, hugely co-operative and supportive. His passionate and professional approach to the series, coupled with an immaculate attention to detail has allowed each recording block to run smoothly, and in a fun, positive environment.  Dave works equally well with both ensemble and individual talent and I know the voice cast have a very high regard for him, finding his approach both enthusiastic and approachable.  

Tom van Waveren – CEO & Creative Director – CAKE

Hi Dave,

Thank you very much for your kind note and for passing on the cast thank you’s.

I do, however, feel that the thanks should be going in the opposite direction. We have all greatly enjoyed and admired your work, and that of our talented cast, on Bottersnikes & Gumbles. You created a lovely creative, warm and professional atmosphere at all of the records and everyone’s experience of this first season is in large part due to your fantastic mastering of what it takes to get some magic to happen in that booth. The performances are indeed particularly outstanding on this show and we were just discussing the other day how we can make sure that most of that brilliance will be transposed into all the other language versions that will be created of the series.

So, thank you very much for bringing your great talent and experience to this wonderful show, it has been noted and appreciated.

With very best regards,


 Simon Greenall – Actor

Easily the best voice director working in the business today. Dave gets it done but makes it fun. Never flustered or cross, a session with Dave is always a joy. Working with a group of voice actors is, let’s face it, like herding cats, yet I’ve never known him lose his temper. Dave will keep us focused right up to the end of a long day. The Governor!

Kurt Mueller – EP Octonauts & EVP, Creative Content – Silvergate Media

Dave is that rare quadruple threat: engineer, casting agent, voice director, creative collaborator. He’s helped cast, direct, and record over 250 characters across 125 episodes of Octonauts. His feel for the material and the intended audience–where we need to land a joke and when we need to teach something—has been unwavering over the years, principally because he does his homework and arrives at records prepared and with a point of view.

Alex Kelly – Actor

Dave Peacock is the best director I have ever worked with. The Tim Burton of directing animation, he makes even the most ordinary extraordinary, and can get blood out of a stone with unexpected humour and quirky stealth. He is deeply knowledgeable, practical, hilarious, and very pleasant to be stuck in a room with all day. Even a very small one. He is also deeply loved by everyone he works with, because he’s really, really, genuinely, nice. 

David Holt – Actor, Voice Artist & Writer

Dave is the most knowledgeable, experienced and brilliant animation voice director in the country. He has an innate understanding of animation and all its requirements. He is the master of casting, voice direction, script editing, sound editing, handling actors, dubbing, etc. He is efficient, professional to his fingertips, and great fun to work with too. You won’t find better!

Kim Craste – Spider Eye

Hi Dave,

I just wanted to say a big thank you for yesterday. You were brilliant. Made it all so easy.

It was a pleasure.

 Teresa Gallagher – Actor & Voice Artist

Dave is a true expert in his field. He brings his vast experience to each project whether it be voice casting, direction, engineering, script editing, the list of skills are endless.It’s no wonder so many animation companies see him as the ‘go to’ man and, speaking as a voice artist myself, he’s simply the best..

Fabien Limousin – Creator & Director – Boyster – Je Suis Bein Content

It was a huge pleasure to work with Dave Peacock and Sarah Faust. Not only they’re great professionals, but also they’re the kind of persons you learn from while working with. Boyster owes them a lot!

Kerry Shale – Actor & Voice Artist 

Dave is simply the best animation sound recordist in the UK. He is a master at the art of getting what he wants by joking, cajoling and bullying. I lied about the bullying. I have never had so much fun – and done such good work in a studio.